Detailed Return-To-Work Plan
A&A Maintenance has been committed to assisting our customers in developing return-to-work plans. Our People First™ approach is centered around a safe, clean environment that is well communicated to building occupants.
As we navigate the new post-pandemic processes and procedures we thought sharing our return-to-work plan for our office in Yonkers, NY may be a helpful resource. We’ll be sharing the practices and protocols that we have implemented as well as any adjustments we find necessary along the way.
Return-To-Work Categories:
- Operational Policies
- Employee Social Policies
- Verbal Screening Entry Policies
- Suspected or Confirmed Cases Policies
- Human Resource Policies
Operational Policies:
- In order to make way for a safe re-entry, we are taking measures to have each of our departments working in an A-Team/B-Team structure.
- Both teams will split between alternating three day and two day work weeks.
- We’ve rearranged our cubicles to adhere to social distancing. We now have our employees sitting adjacent to each other rather than next to each other.
- In addition, since we are now utilizing ‘Social Distancing Cubicles’, we’ve decided to not put up partitions.
- On a daily basis we are also implementing the same cleaning protocols we recommend to our clients. The plan is as follows:
- Wellness Clean™ Plus every night at the office. Plus is one of the deep-clean tiers of our Wellness Clean™ Program
- Clean all work surfaces and every ‘high-contact touch point’
- We take the time to wipe down every surface imaginable. In times like these, we are taking every precaution to protect our most valuable asset, our employees.
- Until necessary, we are having everyone within our facilities wear masks throughout the day.
- Daily Temperature Checks. Before being allowed to work in the facility, our employees are being asked to check their temperature on a daily basis. Anyone with fever symptoms is being required to stay home.
- We are placing Sanitizing stations outside of and inside of each elevator.
- We are placing Wellness Clean™ Signage throughout our facility to communicate to our employee’s that the facility has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and is safe for them to work in.
- The intent of communicating this through print signage is to give our employee’s the peace of mind that they are safe in their working environment.
- We are monitoring the latest updates on best practices regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic so that we are in full adherence with the most-up-to-date strategies provided by the CDC and our local governing authorities.
- With all of these above-mentioned strategies in place, we are staying open for our Normal Operating hours: 9am-6pm.
Employee Social Policies:
- All associates will be given and required to wear Proper PPE. This includes:
- Eyewear
- Gloves
- Face mask
- All Associates will be required to follow all social distancing and prevention practices:
- Avoid close contact such as shaking hands, kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils.
- No congregating of any kind including lunch breaks and or group meetings.
- Associates should stand at least 6 feet away from one another.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- All associate should stay home if sick (For precautionary measures, supervisors will send associates home, if they show signs of illness).
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a face mask.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water.
Verbal Screening Entry Policies:
- All associates will be verbally screened at the entry point of each building with some basic questions:
- Have you been in contact with someone that have the symptoms or tested positive within the last 9 days?
- Have you been traveling outside the state or country within the last 9 days?
- Does anyone in your household have COVID-19?
- Do you have any of the common symptoms?
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Chills, Shaking
- Muscle Pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
- All information about an associates illness will be kept as a confidential medical record in compliance with the ADA.
- Questions regarding symptoms of other conditions are strictly prohibited.
Suspected or Confirmed Case Policies
- All associates should self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 if they suspect possible exposure.
- When an associate reports signs or symptoms of COVID-19, the associate should not show up to work and should notify their direct supervisor immediately.
- If an associate is diagnosed with COVID-19, he/she should notify the HR department (or other applicable individual) immediately.
- A&A Maintenance will notify all relevant personnel, including customers, vendors, etc., with whom the diagnosed associate has come in close contact. A&A will request all personnel who have been in close contact with the associate self- quarantine for up to 14 days.
- A&A will notify all associates of the fact that a fellow associate (who shall remain anonymous) has tested positive for COVID-19. This message shall include the following:
- Reminder to all associates of CDC and local health department testing guidelines
- Reminder to all associates of policies and procedures that have been put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.
- Acknowledgement of the emotional impact this news and all COVID-19 news is having on members of A&A and encourage associates to contact their supervisors with any questions or concerns.
- A&A will arrange for a thorough cleaning of the areas that the associate with a confirmed case inhabited. Such cleaning will follow all applicable CDC guidelines and cleaning standards.
- Returning to work:
- HR will work with associates during the return-to-work process. Associates will receive periodic phone calls for updates on their health condition and assist with any steps needed to get the employee the best care and with the return-to-work process.
- WorkCare, a third party vendor, will be used to complete our return-to-work program.
- A WorkCare physician will review medical documentation and survey results to clear associates to work based on our criteria.
- Associates may only return to work once the WorkCare physician clears them to return.
Human Resource Department Policies
- The HR department (or other applicable individual) will inquire into the following areas of the associate’s situation:
- Ask about current health status.
- Ask about emotional state.
- Answer health insurance questions.
- Answer any other questions related to benefits.
- Ask about other resources or assistance employer can provide.
- Ask for information about when and where the associate had been in the past several days and for a list of other personnel with whom he/she has had contact.