Wellness Clean™
Workplace Re-Entry Plan

A&A Maintenance
3 min readMay 13, 2020


Wellness Clean™ Workplace Re-Entry Plan

May 13, 2020

A plan to consider as you prepare for re-entry

Life as we know it has changed right before our eyes. COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of our lives and it has required all of us to respond and evolve very quickly. Typically janitorial cleaning services have been a commodity and at times an afterthought — now this essential business has been catapulted into the spotlight.

Although we may have not realized it at the time, for decades the cleaning industry has been preparing for a pandemic through advancements in chemical efficacies, cleaning protocols to eliminate things like cross contamination as well as dispenser and equipment technologies.

Now, as we navigate to re-open our economy, businesses, and facilities, we are here to stand at your side to develop specific plans to help ensure the health, safety and well-being of you and your building occupants.

Clear steps towards a safe re-entry

  1. Onsite Assessment: Schedule a site assessment to determine proper re-prioritization of custodial staff and additions as well as processes/protocols where needed.
  2. Wellness Clean™ Plus Deep Clean: Deploy a deep cleaning utilizing Wellness Clean™ Plus and consider an on-going periodic deep cleaning program.
  3. Wellness Clean™ Proactive Plan: Deploy on-going elevated cleaning and disinfecting with Wellness Clean™ Proactive.
  4. Communication Peace Strategy: Bring peace to your building occupants by communicating to them that their workspace has been thoroughly disinfected and cleaned. A&A has a plan in place to communicate this seamlessly for our customers through the placement of various signage pieces placed throughout your facility. It’s not good enough to just get people back to work. They need to be at peace knowing that they are safe while at work.

Wellness Clean™
Re-Entry Service Recommendation

Our plan revolves around two service recommendations: deploying a deep clean with Wellness Clean Plus and following up the deep clean with an on-going elevated cleaning program utilizing Wellness Clean Proactive.

Our elevated deep cleaning and disinfection protocol implemented upon re-entry of a facility.

Our traditional cleaning methods utilizing an increased frequency schedule, combined with CDC recommended disinfecting products and procedures- an ongoing preventative approach to the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Schedule your Wellness Clean™ Onsite Re-Entry Assessment Today.



A&A Maintenance
A&A Maintenance

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